Nurseries & Growers

Websites & Online Marketing Services

Web design and lead generation for nursery and grower contractors.

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Let your clients know who you are

Specializing in growing things is a unique profession that requires care, attention to detail, and a keen eye for design. When you’re ready to launch a website to showcase all the growing and nurturing you’re doing you’ll want to work with a team who has all the same values you utilize in your business!

Simply Built is standing by to help you grow your business through the use of a website that considers all the growing and nurturing you do without missing out on all those details. While most of the details can be accounted for when you work with your Guide, Simply Built allows you to take some of the design into your own hands!

Nurseries & Growers Website Design

Plant the Seed

When you’re ready to get your website up and growing, the first thing you need to do is plant a seed! The seed of your website is the content you’ll be uploading to the site. This is all written and edited by you and your Guide will give advice on the best way to put it into your site.

Your Guide will reach out to the design team while you’re getting your content in order and start to work out the colors and design! By adding in the content you’ve written and gathered, your website is planted and ready to start growing.

Water and Grow

Throughout the design process, you may be tempted to add more pages to showcase new plants in your nursery or the way you utilize a specific growing season. While the initial Simply Built package only includes a main page with unlimited content changes, your Guide can help you find your way through and keep you on track so you don’t incur additional charges.

As your business grows throughout the season and the years, you can add pages when needed! Your Guide will take you through the process and make sure that everything stays within the design themes that you’ve already established.

Reap the Rewards

As your website comes together, your Simply Built Guide will help you keep up with the changes you’re sure to need! Technology and practices in your nursery are constantly changing and your Simply Built site can keep up.

Even if you don’t have the time to get in touch with your Guide, there are options to use your own design talents and eye for details! Each Simply Built site has the option for drag and drop details. There’s always an option for you to move things around and make changes when you need!

Create Your Space

Adding in some greenery, planning a garden, or just growing something in general is a great way to create the space you want and your business is all about helping people build something new. Your website should not only showcase your business but also show off your own eye for details and design!

When you’re ready to get your business out in front of a much larger audience, Simply Built can make it happen! All the Simply Built sites offer you the option of working with your Guide to get the details hammered out before adding in your content. Color, font, and content all make your website stand out from the crowd and none of those details escape the notice of your Guide.

You also have an eye for design and the Simply Built sites offer you the option of dragging and dropping content to make it match your style. Between the work done by your Guide and the work you’ll do yourself adding and collecting content, your site is sure to stand out and reach out to a wider audience with your expertise!